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Cat Bowls and Whiskers!

The whiskers on our feline friends are usually easily seen, particularly those on either side of their nose.  They are sometimes long and pronounced and sometimes a bit shorter and not as noticeable.  However, their whiskers are very sensitive—a lot like radar.  They are highly sensitive tactile hairs and at the base of each one is a follicle which contains a lot of nerves.  Whiskers are sensory tools which help cats see in the dark and alert them to dangerous or hungry predators.  While the long face whiskers are probably the most easily seen, our feline friends also have whiskers above their eyes and ears.  You can also locate whiskers under their jaw and on their forelegs.

Why all this talk about whiskers?  It is important because we need to be mindful of this information when selecting cat bowls.  All bowls used for food (wet or dry) should have sides no taller than 1-1.25 inches.  The bowls should be wide enough so the cat's whiskers do not touch the sides of the bowls—remember their whiskers are like radar!  Oval bowls are a great shape to use for their feeding dishes.  Remember to only use ceramic, glass or stainless steel bowls.  NO plastic, please!  Their water bowl can be taller but also must not be plastic.  Keep all food bowls clean and wash them after every feeding to avoid unwanted bacterial growth.  Water bowls need to be washed daily and kept clean as well!

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